Calling Trump “weird” turned out to be a myopic attempt to tap into the zeitgeist which, among other things, remains fed up with how people see the status quo and our trajectory. A lot of this was power-fueled and manipulated by billionaire oligarchs seeking only impunity. But people like Charles Pearce (formally of the Boston Globe) have been warning about a “wilding” of America (starting in Republican circles) since the Obama election if not before. The oligarchs saw it first and took it way more seriously than the Dem establishment, but not to alleviate it. And now that they are in power, they (even the ones without prison time hanging over their heads) may want to ride the tiger out of pure insouciant greed for power and thrills. They also have (in thrall) myriads of trauma addled minions who are dead set on inflicting more trauma and chaos because they feel they have nothing to lose or because they are mesmerized by the deadly siren lure of triumphant domination.
Yes, well said. I feel anything we tried to do to turn this election around failed us, anything we call him out for doesn't matter, anything we highlighted to help shock people into realization totally backfired. There's too much ignorance in play - willful, imposed or innate. Or these power players who can manipulate this to their benefit..
This was fun. And yes, being of Austin (which was so interesting and odd and creative before all the money fell into it) and the fact I moved to NYC because I was a weirdo and wanted to find my brethren and sistern, I will be glad to get the word "weird" back. However, for now I must say, that Dems using it against the Dark Force really takes the wind out of them, as much because of its innocuous-ness as anything else. They *want* to be considered "dangerous" and "radical" and "hateful." All that stuff pumps them up. But to simply call them "weird" (and at first I was not on board with it, but man it is working) is closer to calling them "dorks" or "lame." They want to be feared and Walz is telling them instead how uncool they are, how awkward, how odd. And they *hate* that, because secretly they want to believe they're cool like Bond Supervillians. I agree with Pelosi that the word isn't accurate, but it definitely is tactically effective. I think it also punches at them because conservatives do not want to be weird. They want to be upstanding and "normal." Weird as a word and a concept is not something they identify with or want any part of.
Was hoping you'd weigh in on Austin, and you're really making great points on the weird for the Dark Force. It's so true, and I hinted at that a bit in the end (they are weird enough to consider weird bad), it really is sort of grade school crap that works on them because that's the level of brain space we're playing in. I would say I can't wait until Nov, but you have a guy who also can't be a loser is scary.
I do think hitting them with grade school crap can be very effective. It's the game they've been playing all along, and for most people politics is much more about emotion than logic. Hey, we're all 5-years old on some level. It is amusing to see them squirming from this, where you and I'd be all, hell yeah I'm weird. Weird and proud!
P.S. Those Weird Tales covers are great. I would've loved this magazine when I was a kid. Speaking of weird magazines, I was a big fan of Weekly World News. Was that before your time? There was always NYC subway stuff in it. Written totally straight. Sightings of Elvis, aliens, etc. They were probably best known for "Bat Boy." (Just tried to post an image but it wouldn't let me.
When I realized this was catching on, I accepted it, but also rolled my eyes at how all of a sudden we sounded a bit like a cult. I also felt strongly that the word "weird" had no negative connotation, and I tried to touch on that with "Strange and Unusual" here:
Also, I'm pretty sure you are doing parenting right.
Thank you for putting words (and such good ones) to the discomfort and unease and confusion I felt at people rallying behind the word “weird.” I was happy about the democrat momentum but genuinely baffled that this innocent and quirky word could be the rallying point for someone so dangerous (thank you Nancy) and demented (exactly Krista!).
Calling Trump “weird” turned out to be a myopic attempt to tap into the zeitgeist which, among other things, remains fed up with how people see the status quo and our trajectory. A lot of this was power-fueled and manipulated by billionaire oligarchs seeking only impunity. But people like Charles Pearce (formally of the Boston Globe) have been warning about a “wilding” of America (starting in Republican circles) since the Obama election if not before. The oligarchs saw it first and took it way more seriously than the Dem establishment, but not to alleviate it. And now that they are in power, they (even the ones without prison time hanging over their heads) may want to ride the tiger out of pure insouciant greed for power and thrills. They also have (in thrall) myriads of trauma addled minions who are dead set on inflicting more trauma and chaos because they feel they have nothing to lose or because they are mesmerized by the deadly siren lure of triumphant domination.
Yes, well said. I feel anything we tried to do to turn this election around failed us, anything we call him out for doesn't matter, anything we highlighted to help shock people into realization totally backfired. There's too much ignorance in play - willful, imposed or innate. Or these power players who can manipulate this to their benefit..
This was fun. And yes, being of Austin (which was so interesting and odd and creative before all the money fell into it) and the fact I moved to NYC because I was a weirdo and wanted to find my brethren and sistern, I will be glad to get the word "weird" back. However, for now I must say, that Dems using it against the Dark Force really takes the wind out of them, as much because of its innocuous-ness as anything else. They *want* to be considered "dangerous" and "radical" and "hateful." All that stuff pumps them up. But to simply call them "weird" (and at first I was not on board with it, but man it is working) is closer to calling them "dorks" or "lame." They want to be feared and Walz is telling them instead how uncool they are, how awkward, how odd. And they *hate* that, because secretly they want to believe they're cool like Bond Supervillians. I agree with Pelosi that the word isn't accurate, but it definitely is tactically effective. I think it also punches at them because conservatives do not want to be weird. They want to be upstanding and "normal." Weird as a word and a concept is not something they identify with or want any part of.
Was hoping you'd weigh in on Austin, and you're really making great points on the weird for the Dark Force. It's so true, and I hinted at that a bit in the end (they are weird enough to consider weird bad), it really is sort of grade school crap that works on them because that's the level of brain space we're playing in. I would say I can't wait until Nov, but you have a guy who also can't be a loser is scary.
I do think hitting them with grade school crap can be very effective. It's the game they've been playing all along, and for most people politics is much more about emotion than logic. Hey, we're all 5-years old on some level. It is amusing to see them squirming from this, where you and I'd be all, hell yeah I'm weird. Weird and proud!
P.S. Those Weird Tales covers are great. I would've loved this magazine when I was a kid. Speaking of weird magazines, I was a big fan of Weekly World News. Was that before your time? There was always NYC subway stuff in it. Written totally straight. Sightings of Elvis, aliens, etc. They were probably best known for "Bat Boy." (Just tried to post an image but it wouldn't let me.
When I realized this was catching on, I accepted it, but also rolled my eyes at how all of a sudden we sounded a bit like a cult. I also felt strongly that the word "weird" had no negative connotation, and I tried to touch on that with "Strange and Unusual" here:
Also, I'm pretty sure you are doing parenting right.
Oh will check that out and thank you!! One never knows but if they could only vote they’d vote K
Thank you for putting words (and such good ones) to the discomfort and unease and confusion I felt at people rallying behind the word “weird.” I was happy about the democrat momentum but genuinely baffled that this innocent and quirky word could be the rallying point for someone so dangerous (thank you Nancy) and demented (exactly Krista!).
Yes, take back the weird! He is so much worse.
'Weird Tales" was one of the greatest magazines ever published.