The weekly newsletter presented by author Krista Madsen, DBA Sleepy Hollow, inK., promises a wild and insightful mix of creative writing at the border between sage & strange.
What folks are saying about Edge|wise
Your brain is a wonder.
_Dana Schwartz, Future Crone
Love the raw, brutal truths you tell, Krista!
_Anna Povich de Mayor, Musician/Educator
Reading your columns...is a bit like riding a tram through a darkened fun house where skeletons or clowns pop up around every corner. It’s exhilarating but sometimes scary.
Each week, I get another PET scan of your brain—just a small segment where the impulses move in surprising ways through the various synapses.
_Barrett Seaman, author, editor of The Hudson Independent, former TIME and White House correspondent
Clever and fun writing.
_Andrew Smith, GoatFury
I’m currently obsessed with your writing. I appreciate your sense of humor and pathos.
_Paul Griffin
Krista Madsen…blogs about the weird and wonderful from her home in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Yeah, that Sleepy Hollow. Krista’s piece on the alien language of the movie Arrival just grabbed me—one of those things that the moment you start reading you think ‘Yes, someone wrote this just for me!’
_Colvin Devonshire, PitDocPress
How you get around
You can navigate it this way or that:
By chronological order in the ARCHIVE (everything ever, latest first) or above the fold on the Homepage.
By the most popular linked here.
Or by Tags/Categories
Below the fold on the homepage, you’ll see the content is also arranged by Tags or Categories as my writings tend to come in thematic groupings of trilogies and greater. You can consider this something of a mindmap of the site and read according to your interest from topics such as:
Animal | Artifact | Criminal | Cybersickness | Ecoanxiety | Fiction | Freak | Isolation | Mental | Pattern | SleepyHollow* | Space | Substack** | Women | Words
*highlights from my local reporting days in this village along the Hudson River
**insider articles about using this platform
How often will this Edge|wise happen?
Since launching Feb. 13, 2023 (Happy VDay Eve to me!) under the original title Home|body, the posts have been weekly. Subscribe to get them in your inbox or read them all here online.
What’s the difference between premium & free subscriptions?
All content is FREE to all but your extra support of this intensive effort is welcome and extremely appreciated. Consider the premium level as a tip jar if you will. And Founding Members get one of my books—just visit Sleepy Hollow, inK. and tell me which one you prefer.
Where else you can find me
Edge|wise is SYNDICATED! I’m thrilled to report this newsletter appears as the weekly lifestyle column in the Lower Hudson Valley regional news-site, The Hudson Independent.
My professional website (where you can buy my books and learn more about the many projects I’m typically up to) is here.
And I’m at all the requisite socials @SleepyHollowInk or SleepyHollowKM.
Thanks for reading, sharing, commenting, and supporting my work!