Okay, I'm probably swearing a little more, but I've been swearing more these last 10 years regardless. On a different note, I've found I have much less patience for rudeness right now. I snapped at a woman (with a child) who was rude to me the other day, and a woman at the grocery store was rude to me this morning and I'm still angry. Yesterday at the local snotty coffeeshop a barista was snotty to me. I think I'm much more irritated in general these days, and I'm wondering if people are picking up on my vibe, or if everyone's kind of boiling under the surface. People are rarely rude to me, but I'm hitting almost one a day right now, and this in a polite town. And frankly, I want to smack 'em. It doesn't help that I'm trying to grow a beard for the first time since my 20's, and my facial hair is bristly and irritating the hell out of my face. So now I'm insecure, wondering if my beard is making me look like an undesirable, or angry, or something. Either way, fuck 'em, I guess. Wish the damn beard would hit full length so I can decide whether to shave it or not. I bought some beard conditioning oil at the grocery store for $12 and so far it doesn't work at all. Anything else you'd like to know?
2. I think my own access to swearing increased dramatically beginning in the mid 90s. There was something magical about Pulp Fiction that sort of marked a "never going back" period for our generation
It's great. It's so clever. I'm fascinated by the structure, which is out-of-sequence, but rock solid. It creates an entirely different emotional experience of the story. For instance, we know John Travolta gets killed, but the last scene of the movie features him and Samuel Jackson strolling out of the diner (magically, Vincent Vega continues on in Hollywoodland). And then our linking back to previous scenes to see how it all connects - which it does! I'd love to see a version of the script laid out in sequence, because I'd bet a lot of money that's the way it was originally, then Tarantino started jacking around with the sequence. It's too tight to have been written otherwise. Fun note: My parents both loved it, which pleases me to no end.
Politics, media, Pandemic, everyone fueling or resisting the energy along the way, I have noticed it creeping into my mind far more than I’d like. I try to minimize it by channeling my energy into what I love. My new house project couldn’t have come at a better time. Swearing might be a release for some but for me making something tangible and meaningful is the way forward.
Okay, I'm probably swearing a little more, but I've been swearing more these last 10 years regardless. On a different note, I've found I have much less patience for rudeness right now. I snapped at a woman (with a child) who was rude to me the other day, and a woman at the grocery store was rude to me this morning and I'm still angry. Yesterday at the local snotty coffeeshop a barista was snotty to me. I think I'm much more irritated in general these days, and I'm wondering if people are picking up on my vibe, or if everyone's kind of boiling under the surface. People are rarely rude to me, but I'm hitting almost one a day right now, and this in a polite town. And frankly, I want to smack 'em. It doesn't help that I'm trying to grow a beard for the first time since my 20's, and my facial hair is bristly and irritating the hell out of my face. So now I'm insecure, wondering if my beard is making me look like an undesirable, or angry, or something. Either way, fuck 'em, I guess. Wish the damn beard would hit full length so I can decide whether to shave it or not. I bought some beard conditioning oil at the grocery store for $12 and so far it doesn't work at all. Anything else you'd like to know?
Everyone’s so on edge, but I’m sorry they seem to be taking it out on you and your beard! Undeserved! Happy growing!
1. Fuck 2025, broadly speaking
2. I think my own access to swearing increased dramatically beginning in the mid 90s. There was something magical about Pulp Fiction that sort of marked a "never going back" period for our generation
Interesting to measure time by Pulp Fiction, it was such a momentous film.
I worked in a 2nd run movie theater from mid 1995 through the end of 96. I think PF was on rotation for more than half of this time.
So it’s really embedded. For me it was more background for so many late college nights when people weren’t fully watching. I need to see again!
Yeah. It's a really great film, like IMO one of the ten best ever made. It holds up, too!
It's great. It's so clever. I'm fascinated by the structure, which is out-of-sequence, but rock solid. It creates an entirely different emotional experience of the story. For instance, we know John Travolta gets killed, but the last scene of the movie features him and Samuel Jackson strolling out of the diner (magically, Vincent Vega continues on in Hollywoodland). And then our linking back to previous scenes to see how it all connects - which it does! I'd love to see a version of the script laid out in sequence, because I'd bet a lot of money that's the way it was originally, then Tarantino started jacking around with the sequence. It's too tight to have been written otherwise. Fun note: My parents both loved it, which pleases me to no end.
Politics, media, Pandemic, everyone fueling or resisting the energy along the way, I have noticed it creeping into my mind far more than I’d like. I try to minimize it by channeling my energy into what I love. My new house project couldn’t have come at a better time. Swearing might be a release for some but for me making something tangible and meaningful is the way forward.
Glad we have these other outlets, as builders and creative people. Treehouse and Peekskill await! Still, I can't help swearing...